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AICU Mass Privacy Policy

Our Policy

The AICU Mass website presents information about the association and our advocacy work on behalf of colleges and college students across the commonwealth. It also presents facts and images of the 61 private independent colleges we represent and links to these colleges (e.g. website, Facebook, Twitter) and to other resources of benefit to legislators, policy makers, students, families, colleges, high schools, and others. If you visit this site to view or download information, a standard log file will record: your IP address, date and time of your visit, the domain from which you access the internet, the page(s) you visit, and your computing or mobile platform. This data is used in the aggregate only for purposes of analyzing site traffic, managing the site, and providing accountability about the usefulness of our site. No personal information is gathered when you visit the AICU Mass website, unless you choose to supply that information to us (for example, by registering for an event or purchasing a ticket for an event). Personal information is stored in a secure location and is accessible only to designated staff. We will not share your email address with any third party. The AICU Mass website contains links to many other websites. AICU Mass is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these other sites. If you have questions about our privacy policy or if you experience technical difficulties with our website, please e-mail: or